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I am a new Mommy and I just recently became a stay at home mom as of October 1st! I am so excited to watch Cache discover new things in his life!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2009 What a Wonderful Year full of Blessings!

Wow! It's come and gone fast! I cannot believe all of the blessing our family has had in 2009! We started off the year in our second trimester of our pregnancy that we had been trying for for 10 months! On February 24th we found out that our new addition was a boy! Each month after that we counted our blessings at each Dr's appointment when everything sounded and looked normal! In May we celebrated our 2 year Wedding Anniversary. On June 26th (3 days after my due date) we welcomed our greatest blessing into the world. Anthony Cache Coates born at 6:08pm weighed 7lbs 16oz and 22inches long! He had a rough start at first, but after receiving a blessing from Uncle Levi and Bishop Bowler he was able to go off oxygen after 24 hours. It was so hard not being able to hold him for 16 hours but I am so thankful it wasn't any longer. Three days later we were able to go home and start life as we know it now! On August 29th we had the opportunity to receive our Endowments and be sealed as a family in the Manti, UT temple. I cannot express the love and peacefulness that surrounded our family knowing that we can be together FOREVER! On September 13th Trent was able to give Cache his name and a blessing! Wow what a proud moment for me! On September 14th it was time for me to head back to work. That didn't last long...after crying non stop for 2 days straight Trent decided it was best that I stay home w/ Cache! I'm so thankful I have such an amazing husband! The fall was full of firsts holiday's w/ Halloween and Thanksgiving we enjoyed every minute surrounded by family and friends. December was an exciting month as well, watching Cache open his Christmas presents was priceless! I cannot believe my baby is 6 months old already!


  1. Cute, Cute! Hey I noticed the date on your camera is wrong though! Ha! You guys sure did have an awesome 2009 for sure! WOOHOO!

  2. Cute picture! It looks old like it was taken a while ago....maybe because of the lighting or something. Kind of looks like photos I've seen of my mom when she was a kid. Ha!

  3. yeah I always change the date when i'm taking pictures but Trent was the one behind the camera :) What can I say we are kinda old fashioned!
